Lip Blush Process

  • 1. Consultation + Pre-draw

    Consultation is key! We’ll go through your pre-care form you’ve completed prior, discuss your desires. I’ll explain the procedure and aftercare thoroughly, so this is a great opportunity to ask any questions. I’ll begin the pre-draw with lip pencil for your desired shape, we’ll proceed when we are both 100% happy with the proposed shape.

  • 2. Numbing

    I like to make you as comfortable as possible so will numb your lips for ten minutes prior to starting. Whilst your lips are numbing I will prepare my machine and your chosen pigment.

  • 3. Tattooing

    I’ll begin with your outline, implanting pigment into the lip membrane to keep your shape defined, and then filling through the lips to build colour density for the desired outcome.

  • The Reveal

    The big reveal, my favourite part. After 2-3 hours you’ll see your beautifully enhanced lip shape and colour. Seeing your face light up is so rewarding!

Lip Blush Healing Process

Your lips will go through a healing phase & will be fully healed between 6-8 weeks, which is when you will return for your perfecting touch up session.

  • Day 1-3

    Swelling + tenderness usually subsides within 24 hours post procedure.

    Avoid hot + spicy food for 24-72 hours, use a straw for drinking. Your colour will be most vibrant now for a few days. Lips will feel dry so keep them hydrated with the lip balm provided in your aftercare provided.

  • Day 4-7

    Lips will feel very dry at this point, keep them moisturised with your lip balm provided. Pigment will begin to flake away (let it flake away naturally, do not bite, rub or pick pigment).

  • Day 7

    All flaking should have stopped. Lips can appear lighter as they are still healing (results cannot be fully assessed until 6 weeks so be patient and continue looking after your lips with hydration and care.

  • Day 42 - Touch up day

    Pigment should of resurfaced giving a soft tint of colour. Your touch up can be performed as lips are now healed.

    (Healing applies to the touch up session also).